Sunday, June 18, 2017

New barn project

Okay, yeah- its been years, but here I go...and this time, it will chronicle the rebuilding of a life with horses.

I won't bore anyone with the details, but suffice to say that if I did not like transitions, well, I got my fill in the past 5 years. SO...

I find myself with same cats, one new dog, one LESS dog, and several less horses and a new husband. Change anyone?
My life. Actually, this is pretty damn close....

And I spent a few lovely years in Co- Fort Collins to be precise and it quickly became the best place I have ever lived. I made several amazing friends that I will hold dear to my heart and am so thankful to have met them. And I had a great boarding situation, with one of those friends on the Reason Bandwagon.  The cynical person that I am says i did not deserve to be in such a great place. So fates pushed me back to the Carolinas- first to the worst job I have ever had for SO many reasons...and in a town that honestly, except for a well placed Pelican Balls, was the worst place I had ever lived in a house that had too big of a yard to not have my horse at home again. Took as long to mow, with no real benefit of seeing the ponies out the window. Couple that with terrible boarding situations, and well- Mama wasn't happy. Not one bit.

Checking out Craigslist- I found a wee ad that proclaimed a farm house with "endless possibilities" that I drove past and fell in love with. I needed to really think about that endless...

And I quit my job- and as hard as that was financially, I ended up getting a great job- amazing job- in Hendersonville. Okay, far away from my sweet farm house with several issues, but still the best. Job. I. Could.ever.imagine.

The Reason...literally
And another REAL reason...
And we moved in. OMG- the dump trips, the water pipes breaking, the bugs, and oh- did I mention that the deck was an accident waiting to happen because the back of the house was falling? Like 4.5" falling? Oh, and a barn that is...32x30. Who DOES that?  When I figure out how to add pics I will. But for now- just imagine..... Okay- GotPics...
My family....sigh....
Looks QUITE nice, right? Its kinda like someone seeing me in the dark- MUCH better. I like myself better when my contacts are not in-kinda the same
And this-- this is why-really why. Horse make the landscape look better, don't they?