Saturday, December 26, 2009

So it happened and now???

I have entered into the real world of being a PA- I have been accepted to WSU-and it's amazing. Of course, scared, nervous- am I up to it? I find myself spending hours scouring the iTunes store- looking for apps that can help- equipment for class and beyond? I know I want to get the most sensible- the best- so I have every advantage. What is this?

I have entered into a world that I have been in awe of- the knowledge that all is not as it seems sometimes. I know that I will also have to depend on my inner knowledge- that gut feeling that I know I have, and that is indeed what has lead me along this path. Yes, can I admit it? No, not likely. But there are those that have it, ones that know, and those are the ones that I admire.

Keeping the real nature of what I will be doing- I think it's a gift to help others in a way that they could not do. The advantage of training, I suppose. To be able to do it, not just as an emotional support, but as a real support, with tools and knowledge to back everything up? That is a real gift.