Wednesday, September 18, 2024

 OMG it has been so long...I am not sure what has happened to me and my ability (or inability?) to write. The last post was 2017 and everything about that post remains true. So true.  a few things have changed, as I am in Fort Collins- which is great- but as of yesterday Nick has had his daughter born, and this feels...big. Her name is Rosemary Deloris Arcos-Strayer which is a mouthful but she is TRULY adorable. So being closer to them might be nice if I can make enough money to live here- A2 is VERY expensive! But I really enjoy the walkability of A2. So- there ya go. 

Things that changed- Divorce from G happened and WTH did I ever think that the spots would change> It was expensive- I lost SO much money from this relationship. But the end result is its over and have been single since 2016 essentially. The divorce took forever (my lawyer was an ass- and actually said to me "what did you ever think would happen??" which while its true, kinda mean. My lack of success is becoming legendary. And I'm 100% okay being alone. I HAVE dated a bit and none have been what I would call a success but I have learned from each one. I just don't know...

I moved back to FoCO and it has been lovely, I have a lovely, humble home which I enjoy greatly, I seriously went crazy on the gardens,  I built raised beds and did a terrible job this year doing veggies but this was my worse year- there was little incentive to make it work well this year, I did not water enough which just is not a good plan. I will do better

I also did get a horse- not ANY horse but the amazing Heldig, She is a wonderful mare, kind, cuddly and everything I would have ever wanted in a horse. She is tough and has a great work ethic, I am endlessly proud of her. But I am not sure that keeping her mine is feasible. It will remain to be seen. I am leasing her right now which is helpful. Still expensive though!!

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